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Monothioamidophosphoric Acids

Monothioamidophosphoric Acids are derivatives of SP(OH)3 in which the hydroxyl groups are successively replaced by -NH2.

The monamide, SP(NH2)(OH)2, was prepared from aqueous ammonia and PSCl3. The solution, which contained NH4Cl, gave precipitates with salts of cadmium and lead. The salts of the alkaline earth metals were soluble.

The diamide, SP(NH2)2OH, was obtained by the action of gaseous ammonia on PSCl3. It was also prepared by the action of ammonia on PSF3. In both cases the product was digested with water. Hydrolysis proceeded according to the equation

SP(NH2)2F + H2O = SP(NH2)2OH + HF

The solution contained a new acid radical, which gave precipitates with salts of mercury, copper, silver and lead. The product derived from PSCl3, but not that derived from PSF3, gave precipitates also with salts of zinc and cadmium. No precipitates were obtained with salts of barium and calcium.

The triamide, SP(NH2)3, was prepared by saturating PSCl3 with ammonia. It was a white solid of density 1.7. When heated it dissociated into ammonium sulphide and sulphur, leaving phosphorus in the residue, probably as "phospham," and was decomposed by warm water giving H2S and ammonium thiophosphate. It was only slightly soluble in alcohol or carbon disulphide.

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